

The Top 5 Free CAD Programs for Beginners

So, you’re ready to dive into the exciting world of 3D printing, and your journey begins with choosing the right CAD (Computer-Aided Design) application. With a plethora of options available, it can be overwhelming for beginners. Fear not, as we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll explore the top five FREE CAD applications tailored for those just starting their 3D printing adventure.

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5 Essential Things You Need to Get Started with 3D Printing So you’re interested in diving into the world of 3D printing, but you’re not quite sure where to begin. Fear not! In this guide, we’ll break down the five essential things you need to get started with 3D printing. Whether you’re a complete beginner or just looking to expand your creative horizons, this article

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Solving 3D Printing Woes

Are you new to 3D printing and facing frustrating issues with bed adhesion? Or perhaps you’ve been dabbling in 3D printing for a while but can’t seem to achieve that perfect first layer? Well, you’re not alone! Bed adhesion is a critical aspect of successful 3D printing, and it can make or break your entire print. But fear not, there’s hope on the horizon, and today we’ll delve into one user’s experience and their magical discovery that revolutionized their 3D printing journey.

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Re-use Your Printer’s Old Flatbed Scanner for CAD

Did you know that your old printer’s flatbed scanner could be a valuable tool for your CAD (Computer-Aided Design) workflow? Typically used to copy documents and send faxes, these scanners can be repurposed to help you design parts for your projects with ease. In this blog post, we’ll show you how simple it is to get accurate models using a paper printer’s scanner, a measuring tape, and a CAD application like Fusion 360. Let’s explore how this process can save you time and effort while improving your design accuracy.

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