3D Printing

Redox Keyboard

My Anycubic Photon S Disaster: A 3D Printer Rescue – Copy

I was doing some research for an upcoming project when I had a classic “squirrel moment.” You know, when you’re focused on one thing, but suddenly a shiny new idea grabs your attention? Well, before I knew it, I had accidentally built a mechanical keyboard.

Research is an essential part of any project. It allows me to see how others have tackled similar problems. But for me, it also poses a danger. While browsing tech sites and how-to guides, I often stumble upon fascinating little projects that pull me in. Before I realize it, I’ve planned an entirely new project I never intended to do in the first place. Sound familiar? Or is it just me?

My Anycubic Photon S Disaster: A 3D Printer Rescue – Copy Read More »

I Messed up

My Anycubic Photon S Disaster: A 3D Printer Rescue

Sometimes, the best-laid plans go awry, especially when you’re juggling multiple projects and succumb to a bit of creative “ADHD”. I recently found myself in a bit of a predicament with my Anycubic Photon S 3D printer. Instead of using it in my usual upstairs workspace, I decided to move it to my outside workshop to avoid the unpleasant odours associated with SLA printing. This seemed like a genius idea at the time, as it would allow me to continue using my office for my day job and other projects.

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Sunlu Filament Connector

Two Upgrades That Changed My 3D Printing Forever!

When I first started 3D printing almost a decade ago, I was captivated by the endless possibilities of turning digital designs into physical objects. Over the years, I’ve tested countless gadgets, tools, and upgrades, hoping to streamline the process and improve results. Most turned out to be overhyped, but two stand out as genuine game-changers: OctoPrint running on a Raspberry Pi and the Sunlu Filament Connector.

Two Upgrades That Changed My 3D Printing Forever! Read More »

3d printing gift ideas

Under $100 – Perfect 3D Printing Gifts for Makers!

Are you searching for the perfect gift for the 3D printing enthusiast in your life? Whether they’re just starting their maker journey or are seasoned pros, these gift ideas are practical, affordable, and guaranteed to spark creativity. In this guide, I’ll share some top picks for 3D printing tools, supplies, and accessories that every maker will love. Let’s dive in!

Under $100 – Perfect 3D Printing Gifts for Makers! Read More »

5 Essential Things You Need to Get Started with 3D Printing

https://youtu.be/hBOzqsCSabo So you’re interested in diving into the world of 3D printing, but you’re not quite sure where to begin. Fear not! In this guide, we’ll break down the five essential things you need to get started with 3D printing. Whether you’re a complete beginner or just looking to expand your creative horizons, this article

5 Essential Things You Need to Get Started with 3D Printing Read More »

Solving 3D Printing Woes

Are you new to 3D printing and facing frustrating issues with bed adhesion? Or perhaps you’ve been dabbling in 3D printing for a while but can’t seem to achieve that perfect first layer? Well, you’re not alone! Bed adhesion is a critical aspect of successful 3D printing, and it can make or break your entire print. But fear not, there’s hope on the horizon, and today we’ll delve into one user’s experience and their magical discovery that revolutionized their 3D printing journey.

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